Visual Appeal and Storm Safety: Exterior Window Shutters in Sarasota FL Homeowners Will Love

by | Jun 9, 2016 | Home and Garden

Installing exterior window shutters on your house is an inexpensive way to increase the value and the aesthetic appeal of the home. Shutters come in a variety of materials and styles, which means you’ll be able to find the right fit for your exterior color scheme and overall look. Whether you’re going for a look that is traditional or modern, there’s a style to fit your needs.

If, in addition to adding visual appeal, you’re aiming to provide your windows with some extra protection, composite or heavier wood shutters are classic in appearance and efficient in function. They come with a leaver to make it simple to open and close them as needed. As you know, Florida sees more than its fair share of hurricanes and tropical storms. Be sure to purchase exterior window shutters in Sarasota, FL weather will be no match for and enjoy the comfort and security of knowing your windows will be protected next time a storm is on the way.

When wood or composite shutters just aren’t practical, you are still left with a variety of options. More architecturally-sensitive buildings may come with some additional concerns in shutter installation. Aluminum shutters provide a good alternative to the heavier wood and composite, while maintaining functionality should you find your home in the path of a storm. They can come with a smooth finish or be fabricated to resemble fiberglass or wood.

Vinyl shutters provide the same kind of aesthetic boost to your home exterior at a typically lower cost than the alternatives. They come in a variety of colors, but be sure to properly match the exterior color scheme that your house already has, as they are not paintable. These shutters cannot be closed to protect your windows, but they can be installed on just about any surface. If you’re trying to increase the value of your home without breaking the bank and you’re not too concerned about potential storm damage, vinyl might be a good way to go.

With the variety of options on the market, it’s best to do some research of your own. A variety of Exterior Window Shutters Sarasota FL residents will love to see installed on their homes are available at

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