What Are the Different Types of Roofing Services in Plano, TX?

by | Feb 8, 2024 | Roofing

Are you interested in learning more about roofing services in Plano, TX? In this short post, you’ll learn more about the common roofing services these companies offer their residential customers.

Roof Repairs

One of the most common roofing services offered is roof repair. Roof repair falls under two categories: fixing leaks and replacing shingles or missing flashing. Most people call for roof repairs following a storm because that’s when they’re most aware of an issue. However, there’s another roofing service offered that homeowners don’t take advantage of as often as they should — roof inspection.

Roof Inspections

Your roof is subjected to the elements 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. With this much exposure, it’s very likely that your roof has damage you don’t know about. Fixing minor issues when they first show up makes all the difference between how much roof repair costs and how long your roof lasts. That’s why roofers recommend homeowners have their roofs inspected once a year to stay aware of their condition and make minor repairs in a timely fashion.

Roof Replacement

Another service that roofing companies offer is roof replacement. The average asphalt roof lasts between 20 and 30 years as long as it’s well-maintained. If you have an asphalt roof and it’s reaching the end of its life span, Have your roof inspected and find out if it’s on its last leg or has a few more years to go.

For the best roofing services in Plano, TX, check out Results Roofing at https://resultsroofing.com.

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