Open Air and Natural Light: 3 Refreshing Ways to Remodel the Office

by | Feb 26, 2020 | Home Improvement

When it comes to office renovations, some people just slap on a new coat of paint and call it a day. However, you can do a lot more with your remodel if you’re willing to take the time and effort to really transform your space. If you’re interested in a corporate makeover, here are just three tips for redecorating and rejuvenating.

1. Eliminate the Clutter

A minimalist space is both fashionable and functional. Not only will it keep things better organized because of its lack of clutter, but it will also look crisp and clean with its tidy lines, symmetrical features and controlled bursts of color. There’s a reason why minimalism is becoming a big trend in interior design. It isn’t just for homes; it’s also ideal for offices.

2. Experiment With Natural Materials

Wood wall systems are great for acoustics. Natural stone for your floors and countertops can save you a lot of dents and scratches. A water fountain in the foyer will give its surroundings a gentle, peaceful feeling. There are many ways to incorporate natural materials into your office design, so have fun with it.

3. Spread Out

Open-air floor plans are a nice alternative to crowded cubicles. If you pair them with things like mirrors and clerestory windows, you can even make your offices feel bigger. It’s partly an optical illusion and partly a psychological response to fresh air, open spaces and plenty of room for people to move.

These are just a few ways to breathe new life into your offices. Whether you’re interested in wood wall systems or high-tech keypads on every door, the most important thing is that you’re willing to think outside of the box. Taking a chance is what transformation is all about.

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