If you ever owned a car that needed repairing constantly, then you know that after a while it comes down to buying a new one being less expensive than the cost of the repairs. It is the same with your cabinets. You can repair and try to reface them, but after some time, it becomes a valiant, but useless effort. Kitchen cabinets are at the mercy of grease, steam and water every single day. That means that with all the wear and tear they go through, they need to be replaced sooner than any other cabinets in your home. You can find kitchen cabinets in Pittsburgh, but it is always nice to find a company who sells and installs them.
Do You See Signs of Water Damage?
If you cabinets do not close correctly, or they look swollen, then they may have been damaged by water. That can happen quite easily in a kitchen since there is always a lot of water in use. Some of the most obvious signs include:
- Warping of the wood
- The laminate is coming off from the cabinets
- Wood is changing color or turning black
- You see any signs of mold
Your Cabinetry is going “Soft” on you
If you can push in on the sides of your cabinets and they feel “soft,” that is a definite sign that they need replacement. What that means is that they are seriously damaged, and they are soon to start falling apart. That means apart like your dishes will be falling to the floor damage. At Business Name they start by doing a consultation with you in your home in order to find out exactly what you want and how they can work together with you to accomplish that.